The Elite Nutrition plan is based around eating five meals per day. All meals should be around the same number of calories and spread out throughout the day. Although limiting carbs seems to be popular lately, the Insanity Elite nutrition plan does not recommend that because carbs are key to fueling the body for demanding workouts.
The Elite Nutrition plan does, however, include mostly low glycemic foods in order to have minimal impact on blood sugar. Foods such as white bread, rice, baked goods and candy cause a rapid rise and drop in blood sugar, leading to fatigue and hunger.
A low glycemic diet, such as that implemented with the Elite Nutrition plan, will help prevent those peaks and valleys in order to keep that body stabilized. In addition to eliminating most processed and high glycemic carbs, the Insanity nutrition plan also eliminates alcohol and sugar substitutes.
These can be added back in with moderation after the 60 day Insanity workouts are completed. Since each individual has different caloric requirements, the Elite Nutrition plan does not give specific guidelines on exact daily calorie consumption. The daily caloric intake should range anywhere from 1, to 2, calories per day, depending on the individual. When you begin the Elite Nutrition plan, you will need to select five meals to eat each day. Eat fiber-filled whole grains as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.
Lean toward healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Think raw nuts and seeds, avocados, and fatty fish like salmon. As for protein, keep it clean. Poultry, fish, eggs, lean cuts of beef. Think of it this way: An apple is about 95 calories. It takes about 5—10 minutes to eat and is loaded with fiber.
One cup of apple juice is about calories, takes about 5—10 seconds to drink, and contains no fiber — so all that sugar is blasting right into your bloodstream. Which option seems healthier? So, how much of that stuff should you drink? So if you weigh pounds, that would be divided by 2, which equals You can still drink coffee and tea aim to drink them plain or with a splash of milk or nondairy milk , but the point here is to train yourself to opt for water mostly.
Definitely cut back on sodas even diet ones , syrup-filled coffee and tea drinks, and other beverages that contain a high amount of sugar and little to no nutritional value. First, the carbs. Of the macronutrients, they are the quickest to become blood sugar and to recharge glycogen stores. This was a deliberate choice because it helps create an awareness of the impact carbs are having, thus helping you discover the amount that works best for you.
So if you feel that increasing your carbs slightly may boost performance, feel free. Protein, on the other hand, is a little harder to gauge. Furthermore, most people tend to eat excessive fat, so this is an opportunity to learn how your body will react to the low side of a balanced amount. Your body can only utilize so much protein at a time—excess is converted to glucose or fat. For the average person, this means about 30 g at a time. A steady intake of low-glycemic carbs, protein, and fat also assures blood sugar remains steady.
A 1,calorie diet is much too low for most people and can result in negative side effects like dizziness, extreme hunger, nausea, micronutrient deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, and gallstones Furthermore, a 1,calorie diet can set you up for failure if long-term weight loss is your goal. Because a water fast restricts calories, you will lose a lot of weight quickly.
In fact, research shows that you may lose up to 2 pounds 0.