Rusty Coones has been a HAMC member and been to prison twice on some serious charges, that's not the kind of stuff that would endear this bear of a man to anyone. However, after his role on Sons of Anarchy , a show with some 5 million viewers, Coones has become something of a celebrity of sorts in his town.
His exposure on the show was enough to give his business a breath of fresh air. Arun Singh Pundir has been a longtime media crackerjack and worked most of his life in sales and marketing.
In , he officially flipped and switched sides to the editorial. He lives with his wife, two rascally sons and is a car and motorcycle nut in his free time. Not that he has too much free time. He currently writes news, features, and listicles for HotCars on anything that has any number or kind of wheels. He is also penning pop culture, lifestyle and all things rich for TheRichest.
His dream is to drive around the world; even if it takes more than eighty days. SOA Episodes. Mayans Episodes. SOA Chars. Eli Roosevelt Jacob Hale Jr. Mayans Chars. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Lenny Janowitz. Edit source History Talk 0. The show is already moving a direction where we are losing key cast that have been with us from the start. I just think we have reached a point where things have to mellow next season, which probably isn't going to be as good as this season.
That or its the 5th and final season and everyone ends up the fuck dead. Mark this post- we will come back to it near the end of season 5. I am hoping Sutter has some fucking good tricks up his sleeve and I am way wrong here.
They can't have a season this high-octane every go around. Season 3 was viewed as kind of a let-down from Season 2, and I'm guessing Season 5 will be a little less-intense than Season 4.
Maybe not though; I could be wrong. This week's episode had an awful lot of "I know what you fucking did, and I'm going to get you back for it" moments between characters that have been at odds with each other all season and in some cases, for the entire series. I don't think that--with the exception of one or two instances--we'll see the development into a full-scale bloodbath this season.
If this were the Tig, Chibbs, and Opie show I would like it a lot more. The rest of the characters can die in a fire for all I care. The fact that Jax didn't immediately beat the shit out of Clay shows what a worthless tosser he is. I was hoping he would ignore Gemma's plea to let her handle it and throw down on Clay outside the warehouse.
Then when Tig went storming into the clubhouse I was hoping he would hit Clay. Turning in his Sergeant-at-Arms patch is a nice dramatic touch, but a fist to the face would've been more viscerally satisfying.
I think Opie is going to die this season. They took absolutely everything away from him, and now Unser is pointing him straight at Clay like a cruise missile. If they don't have Opie kill Clay this season and as much as I want to see Clay die, I can't see the show surviving dramatically without him--at least not yet , then it's possible that Opie will die in the attempt.
Which sucks, because Opie rules. He's like my biker hero. Also: Henwen wrote: The fact that Jax didn't immediately beat the shit out of Clay shows what a worthless tosser hoser he is.
Quote: In all honesty, I was sadder to see Georgie go than to see Kozik go. Kozik always gelt like a forced addition to the show.
I am glad to see that so far the people that have been killed off this season are all ones I wanted to see go. I still don't see Clay getting killed, he's too central to the show. But I'm not sure how they stop it. Maybe the cartel learns Opis is going to kill Clay and kills Opie first? Yeah, I think some external force maybe a huge RICO arrest is going to keep the tensions within the club from coming to violence this season. I liked Kozik. The dynamic they played with Tig in S2 and S3 was good, and I like that actor.
He ultimately wasn't that important to the story so it wasn't a big deal that they killed him, but I'll miss the character. Then the day after that episode appears, the proposed NBC show gets canned. Sutter was pretty pissed about that. I like that they blew him up without much warning. It was kind of a nice homage to his character from The Shield.
Sutter claims there's an outtake where Kozik yells "Shane! Some RICO action seems plausible. Or, at least, something related to Linc.
His story hasn't been told yet and he's too major a character to just discard after one season. I'm still waiting on them to explore Potter's personal story. He's too quirky and drops too many curious lines here and there his "I wish that weren't true" comment to Otto, for example to just be a Federal suit.
At some point, I think his backstory is going to come into play. They're either going to do that soon, or he'll be around for more than just this season my guess is on the latter. Does anyone else think that maybe Lenny the Pimp was Otto's sponsor? Who is the "friend" Otto wants privileges restored to and why? Is this some kind of setup? Lenny Janowitz aka "Lenny the Pimp". He's one of the First 9, and has been locked up for a long time for killing several ATF agents.
That's when Potter said "I wish that weren't true" and then walked out of the room. So I'm guessing that there's some backstory with Lenny and Otto, maybe that Lenny was Otto's sponsor. Quote: Does anyone else think that maybe Lenny the Pimp was Otto's sponsor? That's an interesting angle, and certainly possible. Lenny the Pimp.
He's one of the founders of the club. And sure, it could be some kind of setup. It would actually rule if it were. Quote: I'm still waiting on them to explore Potter's personal story. Potter is an interesting cat for sure, and the actor that plays him is doing great work. I suspect he also sees himself in that same light.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. He doesn't care anymore if the rest of the club burns. He's given them everything and all it ever got him was death row.
But Lenny is someone who gave it all for the club too, and he's rotting away just like Otto I think in the episode where they actually showed Lenny, he was in bad shape--in a wheelchair, had a trach, etc Now I remember.
I see a set up coming. The thing I like about Potter is that he's clearly not a good guy. He's on the good guy side, but he seems like he's completely lacking in any empathy.