Skyrim which nocturnal agent

User Info: effeffjay. Shadow was my pick. User Info: HyperlordBender. They all suck. Handgun: automatic, Shotgun: pump-action, Me with your wife? That's: automatic hump-action. User Info: Zeke If you're too lazy to open up the inventory to use a potion or happen not to have any , then Shadow is pretty awesome. Although I haven't even returned my Skeleton Key yet.

I'll wait until maxed Lockpicking for that :D. More topics from this board Happy 10th Birthday, Skyrim! Where is the best place to sell your stuff? Side Quest 9 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Improve this answer. On the other hand, max stealth and Shadow Warrior are so effective that I usually don't waste any time on Illusion.

DCShannon as a counter argument, stealth is so easy to level, it's one of my favorite skill to "make legendary" for extra experience. Do whatever you want. You can probably make it work. Jtenorj3 Jtenorj3 2 2 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Screenshot of the Week. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile.

Screenshot of Week 51 [Submissions Closed]. Becoming an Agent of Nocturnal is the reward for completing the quest Darkness Returns. Each of these roles grants a special power that may be used once per day.

Only one role can be active at a time, but the choice need not be permanent; after waiting 24 hours, the Dragonborn may return to the Sepulcher and choose a different role. Represented by a crescent moon, the Agent of Stealth gains the power " Shadowcloak of Nocturnal ". Entering Sneak mode renders the Dragonborn invisible for seconds. For more information, see The Nightingales , a two volume series of books about the Nightingales, and the lore page. Jump to: navigation , search.

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