Should i get ulnar nerve surgery

Mild cases can be treated with simple methods like bracing or limiting activities. More serious cases that cause muscle damage to the hand may require surgery. Sometimes intense physical activity can cause the condition by promoting abnormal bone growth in the elbow that results in increased pressure on the ulnar nerve. Baseball pitchers are especially at risk for this painful condition because repetitive, twisting throwing motions can damage the elbow ligaments.

For many patients, conservative treatment options are successful for treating this condition of the ulnar nerve. These treatments include resting the elbow, taking anti-inflammatory medications, wearing an elbow brace, and taking frequent rest breaks during physical labor. In more serious cases when the ulnar nerve is considerably compressed, or when muscle weakness and damage are present, surgery may be necessary. At Mirza Orthopedics , our physicians use a minimally invasive surgical option to decompress the ulnar nerve.

Ather Mirza , who has spent a large part of his career developing new, cutting-edge techniques, has developed the only option for surgeons to use endoscopy to release compression on the ulnar nerve.

The procedure uses a clear cannula a small tube to protect the ulnar nerve while allowing for complete visualization of the nerve during the procedure.

Advantages of this endoscopic procedure include reduced pain, earlier return to daily activities, smaller incision and scarring, and quicker return of range of motion. Baptist Health is nationally recognized for excellence in treating cubital tunnel syndrome with ulnar release surgery.

We offer a full spectrum of neurosurgical care and surgical approaches. Similar to the surgery performed for carpal tunnel syndrome, the ulnar nerve release operation helps reduce pressure on the ulnar nerve by cutting and separating the overlying ligament.

The ligament may gradually grow back together post-surgery, but there will be more space in the ulnar tunnel. Similar to the surgery performed for carpal tunnel syndrome, the ulnar nerve release decompression operation helps reduce pressure on the ulnar nerve by cutting and separating the overlying ligament.

Surgical cubital tunnel release may be recommended if nonsurgical treatment does not help symptoms. The procedure can enhance comfort and mobility, including:. Most cubital tunnel release surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis.

You may be under general anesthesia and asleep during surgery. Or, you may be given local anesthesia, which numbs just your arm and hand, plus a light sedative to keep you relaxed during surgery.

The surgery will take less than one hour. There are two surgical techniques your surgeon may use — a traditional open surgery or a minimally invasive endoscopic variation. The goal of both is to increase the size of the cubital tunnel and relieve pressure on the ulnar nerve.

During open cubital tunnel release surgery, the surgeon makes a 3- to 4-inch incision on the inside edge of the elbow, allowing the cubital tunnel below to be viewed and accessed. Learn more. Ulnar Nerve Transposition What is it? Diagnosis will include: A comprehensive clinical exam.

Your doctor will ask you to perform certain tasks with your hands so he or she can determine if ulnar nerve entrapment is a possible diagnosis for your pain.

Complete medical history Electrodiagnostic studies EMG to study nerve conduction within your hands and wrists What are the treatment options? Depending on the severity of your ulnar nerve entrapment, your physician may recommend the following: Occupational therapy to strengthen the ligaments and tendons in the hands and elbows The daily use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonprescription pain relievers to help reduce pain and inflammation Wearing splints to help immobilize the elbow When physical therapy and other forms of non-surgical treatment fail, nerve entrapment surgery is the best option to restore function and alleviate pain.

Risk Factors The following factors may increase your likelihood of having additional pressure on the ulnar nerve at the medial epicondyle: learning on the elbow for many hours fracture in the medial epicondyle conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome which cause entrapment of the nerve What to Expect After Procedure After surgery a splint will be applied to the elbow holding it in a bent position.

Discharge Instructions Diet You may resume your regular diet. However, start slow with clear liquids and gradually work your way back to your normal diet. This will help prevent nausea and vomiting. Dressing will be changed at your first post-op appointment. Tegaderm dressing will be placed which will allow you to shower immediately. No bath or swimming until the bandages are removed.

If the dressings become loose or fall off replace with over the counter water proof bandages. Keep incision dry until sutures are removed. Elevation and Circulation Elevate the extremity on pillows with fingers point toward the ceiling as much as possible for the first days. After these first few days, continue to elevate as needed in order to reduce swelling. To encourage circulation and decrease swelling, wiggle your fingers, thumb and wrist several times each hour.


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