Utopia what is it

Learn More About utopia. Time Traveler for utopia The first known use of utopia was in See more words from the same year. Listen to Our Podcast About utopia. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox! Sign Up. Style: MLA.

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What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? In an ecological utopia, humans live in perfect harmony with nature: their society produces no pollution, their food sources are sustainable, and the environment is protected, bringing about happiness for humans. A religious utopia is one based on the precepts of a particular religion.

Christian authors throughout history have written utopian stories about what society would be like if everyone was a perfect Christian. But you could also do the same thing for Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion — the problem, of course, is that it might not be persuasive to readers who belong to a different tradition!

In a technological utopia, scientists and engineers have worked out technological development, such as genetic engineering or total surveillance, perfectly. In these stories, human problems are treated as technical glitches, to be resolved solely through technology. In Omelas, everyone is happy. There is no poverty, injustice, sickness, or sorrow of any kind. Except, that is, in one tiny corner of a basement somewhere in town, where an innocent child is hooked up to a machine that causes her intense pain.

But their happiness comes at a dreadful price. This famous short story raises the question of whether living in a utopia would be OK if the price was torturing an innocent victim. The renowned psychologist B. Skinner wrote a book called Walden Two , in which every aspect of human life is dictated by experimentally-verified science.

In the book, scientists have discovered ways to raise children so that they are incapable of violence, cruelty, or selfishness. Skinner believed that science would one day be able to create a perfect world for humanity, and he wrote his book to explore that possibility. There is no poverty, ill health, lack of education, or war. They also no longer have romance, marriages, families, or other things that cause emotional conflicts.

Everyone is told by the government to take a drug called soma which makes them happy and easy to control. The people have all their needs met by robots, and live entirely in comfort and ease. However, this life is also dystopian in a sense — because they have all their material comforts, the people on the ship are fat, lazy, and immature.

Everyone on the planet is well-educated and benevolent, and their society runs smoothly. However, the Surfer decides he has to leave once he learns that people on other worlds do not have the same advantages, and he dedicates himself to making all planets enjoy the happiness of his home-world. A dystopia is the opposite of a utopia. What is the pronunciation of utopia?

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