President Biden referred to the late baseball player Satchel Paige as "the great negro" before correcting himself during his Veterans Day address at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. Close this content. Read full article. Kelly Corbett. Photo credit: Lowe's. Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions.
In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting. Recommended Stories. In The Know by Yahoo. The Daily Beast. The Oklahoman. Yahoo Life. The Burlington Free Press. Patriots Wire. Fox News. With the first three weeks, the reservations filled up fast. In addition to free gardening kits, Lowe's, whose headquarters are based in North Carolina, says it's offering deals, demonstrating products and running a campaign called "Hometrip," which advises on how to turn homes into "destinations.
Lowe's posted information about planting and caring for trees on its SpringFest page at Lowes. On Thursday , Lowe's will hand out free tree saplings from 5 to 7 p. National Gardening Day The best deals on garden tools, hoses, lawn mowers and more. Customers may even share their tree growing stories and progress on the community page of LowesCreativeIdeas. Trees are available while supplies last.
Customers in select markets will also be able to meet with local utility companies at the store to learn about cutting energy costs at home. Here are more Earth Day deals and bargains:. By Marla Jo Fisher mfisher scng.