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Ukleta zemlja PDF. Un mariage trop parfait PDF. Understanding Gmdss PDF. Une Aube nouvelle PDF. Violent Country PDF. Volcanoes on Earth PDF. Scarecrow Arts. You've been playing Nintendo DS for too long and you realize there's only 5 days left to meet your animation deadline; use the paddles to bounce the Z's away long enough to stay awake and finish!

Marcadores populares para este produto:. Funcionalidades de perfil limitadas. Idiomas :. Ver proezas do Steam 9. Inclui 9 Proezas Steam. Editora: Scarecrow Arts. Partilhar Incorporar. Adicionar todos os DLC ao carrinho. Acerca deste jogo Originally made over the course of 37 consecutive full workdays. Well 2 good ones and a baaad Play around in the main menu: it's got a full fledged drawing program with some secrets!

The drawing program built in the menu is fairly primitive with a basic brush, erase, clear, and screenshot tool. Depending on your CPU the game may lag with too many dots on screen. W and S move your left paddle. Up and Down move the right paddle. Hit Space to slow time to your advantage. Gamepads are supported! If you're on a laptop and the Arrow Keys are too small try a Mouse or Trackpad on the right side! You can also use I and K instead of Up and Down. Requisitos do Sistema Windows.


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