Is it possible to melee jad

Full Guthan's with Protect from Melee activated if needed can be used to heal you as long as any major threat, such as the , is vanquished. Since the has deadly Magic and Melee attacks, be sure to kill it with Protect from Magic. Waves are excellent for healing and Meleeing at high Combat level, but Waves can also be used to heal provided the is killed first.

Wave 61 is the last opportunity to heal using Guthan's. See this map! Turn Protect from Missiles on immediately after the second level is dead, and run to this area. This is because there is no initial range sound prior to Jad hitting you whereas Jad's magic attack sounds like activating a Retribution prayer.

Four level healers will appear when Jad is at half health, so attack each one from long range and drag them away from Jad while staying focused on Jad's footwork and attacks.

If they've healed TzTok-Jad back to full health and are then killed, they will respawn; otherwise, not. They don't have to be killed to complete the Fight Cave.

The progression can be summarised as follows: if a wave has two of the same monster, the next wave will replace those monsters with one monster of the next higher level; e. If all monsters have different levels, another Tz-Kih 22 appears. Note: If there are monsters in the wave that were able to get trapped behind a rock, it is best to stay behind that rock and defeat the monsters you can access from there, before moving onto the monsters who are trapped, thus minimising the number of monsters you have to worry about at one time.

The monsters are in order of appearance by wave number:. TzTok-Jad is the final monster encountered in the Fight Cave. Examining it yields the discouraging message "This is going to hurt Which, when done incorrectly is very true. It is one of the highest levelled monsters in all of OldSchool RuneScape that players can fight with conventional methods. Defeating TzTok-Jad requires a huge amount of persistence and determination. In order for one to reach TzTok-Jad, one must first fight 62 progressively tougher waves of monsters.

The current wave that the player is on is shown at the beginning of each wave. TzTok-Jad himself is a level , huge, four-legged behemoth and uses all three sides of the combat triangle - Magic, Ranged and Melee.

TzTok-Jad will attack with Melee only when the player is adjacent to him. If the player attacks from a distance - which is strongly recommended - TzTok-Jad will randomly alternate between Magic and Ranged attacks. During the fight, the player should have auto retaliate on and focus on switching to the correct protection prayer in time. Even when the Yt-HurKots appear or the player gets hit, switching prayers is the most important thing to do.

If you wish to take a break before TzTok-Jad, do not attempt to log out on wave 62, the wave preceding Jad. If you log out after you have completed wave 62, you will spawn in the middle of the fight cave, and you will only be able to do one action before he spawns. Instead, attempt to log out on wave 61, finish the wave, set your quick prayer to protect from magic, and logout.

When you log back in, you will be facing two Ket-Zeks, and you will have plenty of time to prepare yourself for TzTok-Jad. Do not hit continue in the chat dialogue. Instead, turn on your quick prayer. This will begin the wave. Jad slams his feet to the ground for Ranged, and he rears up dangling his feet for Magic.

Survival depends on watching TzTok-Jad's movements - an emote precedes the attack, telling the player which protection prayer to use. Although somewhat slow, all of these attacks can deal enough damage in a single blow to kill even the most powerful of players if not guarded by use of the correct protection prayer.

When TzTok-Jad is down to half health, he will summon four Yt-HurKots level Melee fighters with 60 HP and tiny in comparison , which will heal him effectively causing him to regenerate endlessly until they are dealt with.

In order to stop them from healing, they need to be hit once so they turn their attention to the player. The Yt-HurKots' Melee attacks hit up to 14, so the player could kill them, but if one has a decent Defence level and good equipment, they should not be extremely dangerous - one should always watch their health, though. Alternatively, when all of the Yt-HurKots are attacking the player, run through TzTok-Jad and they will become trapped behind him.

This is not advised unless the player is experienced. TzTok-Jad may be healed to back to full health while killing the healers and they will not respawn. It is NOT advised to tank the healers as each healer that is in combat with you still has the ability to heal Jad. If the healers appear on the opposite site of TzTok-Jad and the player is using a ranged weapon, then it might be advisable to set the attack stance to long range, so as to ensure the player doesn't get in melee distance of TzTok-Jad when trying to hit the healers.

It is possible to log out and save one's progress in the Fight Cave. In order to do this, the player should click the logout button once. The game will register that the player wants to log out, and two red messages in the chat box telling the player they will be logged out as soon as the current wave ends.

The player should now kill all the monsters in the current wave after which have an opportunity to log out safely. When they next log in, they will start on the next wave. You can also logout regularly if you're not in combat for 10 seconds, or x-log if you have enough prayer to not die before you logout completely. This can be abused on Wave 62 for a better Jad spawn. The orange mage shows you where Jad spawns, and if you logout on this wave their spawn points will then get randomly chosen out of the 7 possible.

This can be done repeatedly until the player gets the spawn point they desire to make fighting Jad easier. If the player clicks the logout button twice, or avoids all combat for 10 seconds while there are still monsters alive and then logs out, his or her progress will be saved, but he or she will have to start from the beginning of the wave he or she logged out on. The wave will not start immediately; however, the player will find his or herself in a conversation in which the creature who waits at the entrance to the caves is telling them to get ready to fight for their life, just the same as when he or she first entered the caves.

The wave will not begin, nor will monsters spawn, until this message disappears as a result of the player doing something.

This gives the player time to go into the Prayer tab and activate the necessary prayer, and quickly run from the centre of the room which is where the player will be upon login to his or her safe spot if need be before the monsters spawn.

This is usually not too dangerous although it is somewhat risky, so it is always better to stay logged in while in the caves unless absolutely necessary. Predicting the spawn location of monsters in future waves can save up to five minutes off of one's time to complete the Fight Cave.

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View source. History Talk 1. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Ranged only. Pros This method is cheap and simple. No inventory slots will be occupied by armour pieces. Cons As you will require more potions to restore your HP, this method is usually harder than using Guthan's.

This will radically save money, and each trip may cost a third or less of your initial funding. This is only a recommended inventory setup and will always vary between each player. The higher your Defence level, the less you need protective gear like Karil's leathertop or leatherskirt. It has no negative effects. Cons A decent shield might be required to help offset its low Defence bonuses. Swap the super restores for prayer potions to reduce inventory cost.

Pros Guthan's equipment will heal you when melee'ing, so fewer, if any, Saradomin brews, food or other healing will be needed. Using Guthan's and Ranged is usually easier than using Ranged alone.

Cons Some inventory slots will be occupied by armour pieces however, the amount of HP restored by Guthan's more than makes up for the few potions lost. Changing armours can be difficult for inexperienced players. Cons Will hit less and do less damage due to negative ranged bonus from armour. Appropriate gear can be very expensive, especially if one wants the best Ranged attack bonus as well as high Defences.

Essentially not worth doing since the armour needed would outweigh the cost of the supplies used and the amount of damage per second you sacrifice outweighs the the amount of defence you're gaining. This means you'll take less damage but you will be exposed to whats causing the damage for longer, essentially negating the effect unless you're lucky. Swap the super restores for prayer potions to reduce inventory cost, but keep the ratio of brews to restores e.

Pros Fight Cave is heavily sped up and can be as fast as approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. The first 30 waves are generally faster than using Ranged. Cons Due to the fact that you're in melee range, that gives Jad another attack style to use making prayer flicking harder. Pros No inventory slots will be occupied by armour pieces.

Cons It can be quite expensive, slow, and tedious. A decent shield might be required to help offset the low Defences of magical armour. Pros For this method, no high Defence level is required.

Cons This method is very expensive and hard; it is advised to not use this method. Categories Strategies. Universal Conquest Wiki. Slayer helmet i on task.

Armadyl helmet. Blessed coif. Helm of neitiznot. Archer helm. Necklace of anguish. Amulet of fury. Amulet of glory. Vestment stole. Ranging cape t. Vestment cloak. Ranging cape. Armadyl chestplate. Karil's leathertop. Blessed d'hide body. Black d'hide body. Red d'hide body. Armadyl chainskirt. Karil's leatherskirt. Blessed chaps. Black d'hide chaps.

Karil's crossbow. Twisted buckler. Odium ward. Crystal shield i. Blessed spirit shield. Bolt rack s Karil's crossbow. Barrows gloves. Dragon gloves. Regen bracelet. Pegasian boots. Blessed boots. Ranger boots. Dragon boots. Archers ring i. Ring of suffering i. Ring of the gods i. Explorer's ring 4. Void ranger helm. Elite void top. Void knight top. Elite void robe. Void knight robe.

Dragon crossbow. Rune crossbow. Granite shield. Bolt rack s only if using Karil's crossbow. Void knight gloves. Bandos boots. Archers ring. Saradomin godsword. Guthan's helm. Verac's helm. Fire cape. Armadyl chestplate [1]. Blessed body. Armadyl chainskirt [1]. Dragonfire shield. Book of law. Verac's helm [1]. Torag's helm. Dharok's helm. Dragon full helm. Verac's plateskirt [1]. Guthan's chainskirt. Bandos tassets. Rune gloves. Amulet of torture. Amulet of strength.

Cape of Accomplishment. Obsidian cape. Bandos chestplate. Guthan's platebody [1]. Verac's brassard. Verac's plateskirt. Guthan's chainskirt [1]. Zamorakian hasta. Avernic defender. Any blessing. Adamant gloves. Primordial boots. Rune boots.

Berserker ring i. Berserker ring. Warrior ring i slash weapon. Armadyl godsword for Jad. Saradomin godsword cave healing. Dragon halberd. Ahrim's hood. Void mage helm. Farseer helm. Lunar helm. Previously, logging out during the fight caused the minigame to end and forced players to restart. Now, you simply press the logout button once, and a notification will tell you the minigame will be paused at the end of the current wave.

You can then logout and when you return, a new wave will begin. A player should not depend on this logging out break, however, because if he or she is at the later stages where he or she is fighting multiple deadly high levels such as the Ket-Zek , the player generally spawns next to or on top of the monsters.

The chatbox that opens upon logging back in stalls the monsters from spawning until clicking to continue or by pressing spacebar. Once TzTok-Jad is reached, fighting and defeating him requires a lot of skill and decent reflexes with the mouse. It is possible to engage TzTok-Jad using Melee , but it requires skill to switch between the Protect from Melee , Protect from Missiles , and Protect from Magic prayers only recommended for players with much experience.

TzTok-Jad uses all three types of combat styles to engage the player. Therefore, a combination of Ranged attacks and Prayer is usually preferred. A sharp eye and swift reflexes are necessary to stand any chance of defeating this monster. A very useful tip is to try to find out where the orange Ket-Zek spawned in the previous wave.

As with all other waves where two enemies of the same type are encountered, the new monster will appear where the off-coloured monster spawned. This will allow you to prepare accordingly to prevent Jad from launching a surprise attack. TzTok-Jad will use either Magic or Ranged attacks to defeat a player that is not meleeing him.

It is critical that players know the warning signs for these attacks and switch between the protection prayers accordingly before the attack lands:. All of TzTok-Jad's attacks can deal up to 97 damage. While this means Vengeance can deal a lot of damage, one extremely high-damaging hit can mean the fight is over, especially if the Yt-HurKots are attacking you.

Monsters move east or west before moving north or south to reach you. This is very useful when trying to trap TzTok-Jad when it spawns. Once TzTok-Jad is reduced to half health, he will summon four Yt-HurKots to come and heal him repeatedly - the player must deal with them whilst warding off TzTok-Jad's attacks.

If they manage to heal him to full health, then they should not be killed as they will respawn once he is reduced to half health again. If they are distracted before healing him to full health, they will not respawn when killed.

Once players manage to defeat TzTok-Jad they will be rewarded with the much-coveted fire cape along with 8, Tokkul 16, Tokkul with completion of the Elite Karamja Diary. The fire cape is untradeable, so it is a very clear symbol to other players that the player has defeated this mighty foe.


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