How can i bold text

Fonts cannot be copied and pasted, whereas the special characters that this translator creates can indeed be copied into your username or nickname or blog posts or wherever so that it is more noticable than others. Note that for the most part, there are not bold equivalents of the other symbols on your keyboard.

There's all sorts of fun you can have with unicode other than bold characters. Unicode is a standards body which helps the computing industry come to an agreement on a universal set of symbols that computer devices should support. But Unicode specifies thousands of symbols, and it just so happens that there are multiple sets of alphanumeric symbols that are specified within Unicode.

One of these sets is on your keyboard, and another is identical, except bolder! That's the set of bold letters and number that we're using in this bold letter converter. Here are the bold letter alphabets so that you can copy and paste all of the bold symbols at once if you need to:. This is default Play it » bold Defines thick characters Play it » bolder Defines thicker characters Play it » lighter Defines lighter characters Play it » Defines from thin to thick characters.

Read about initial Play it » inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit. Report Error. Your message has been sent to W3Schools. W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. Now open your Messages app and start a new message or open an existing chain. You will now see a "Subject" field added to the area where you enter text. Anything you type there will be bolded when you send the message. Note, however, that you can't just type your entire text message in this subject line.

If you try, the bold text will be turned back into regular text. Although the iPhone's standard text messaging app doesn't let you use bold text, there are a number of other texting apps that do. This includes popular apps like WhatsApp and Discord. For you. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.


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