French when does the past participle agree

She was at the bank; she spent all day there. The car I had repaired broke down again. She let us start over.

There are 10 books he refused to read. Where was the house you saw burn down? French proficiency test by. Previous tarder. Any Questions? These are the simplest case. With normal i. In other words, the 'agreement' of these verbs applies basically to the written language only. Generally, the past participle doesn't agree with anything when avoir is used. However, when the direct object comes before the past participle, the past participle actually agrees with that direct object.

So for example:. In such cases, you need to be careful to note which pronoun is the direct object pronoun: i. In this case, you can get past participles ending in a consonant that change their pronunciation. For example:. However, in reality, speakers don't tend to add agreements with avoir in everyday speech.

Arguably, it is only when they are speaking carefully and thinking about the written language that they make these agreements when speaking. So unless they were reading from a script, people would generally say:. With reflexive verbs, the general pattern is that the past participle agrees with the subject of the verb:.

In most other common reflexive verbs, the past participle ends in a vowel. In the previous section, we stated that the past participle agrees with the subject of reflexive verbs. What did they buy themselves? Elles se sont enfui es. They ran away, fled. Ils se sont souvenu s de leurs vacances. They remembered their holidays. They took pleasure in ignoring Victor. Ils se sont r i de Victor.

They laughed at Victor. The alphabet ».


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