These include:. This is an extremely dangerous situation and requires immediate medical attention. Painful stomach bloating might be a sign of a serious bowel obstruction This condition requires urgent medical treatment.
Stomach bloating can also be caused by. Generally, these are relatively easy conditions to treat and not a cause of great concern. However, if you notice more than a few bright red streaks on the toilet paper or on the stool itself, or you have black, tarry stools, call your doctor.
According to the Cleveland Clinic , only a small number of patients with constipation have a more serious underlying medical problem. However, certain instances of constipation, marked with additional, pronounced symptoms, require emergency medical diagnosis and treatment. Constipation is one of the most common digestive problems. Learn more about the possible causes and how to treat constipation.
Obstipation is when a person cannot pass stool or gas, usually due to an obstruction or blockage of hard, difficult-to-pass stool. The next time you feel constipated, consider trying one of these easy home remedies.
Constipation can also be the sign of a serious condition. More than , people in the United States will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year. Will you be among them? Find out your risk and how to get screened. Early diagnosis makes treatment easier and reduces complications.
IBD can cause complications that affect your long-term health. Difficulty swallowing can make it hard for you to get the nourishment you need and can lead to serious medical problems.
Certain exercises can help train your swallowing mechanisms to work more efficiently. Here are some to try. These foods contain fiber , which helps to keep your stool soft and easier to pass, according to the NIDDK. Women under 50 should try to get at least 25 grams of fiber per day, according to the Institute of Medicine.
Exercise helps increase the motility in your colon and encourages regular bowel movements, Dr. Staller says. Your GI tract has a circadian rhythm it likes to follow, which is why you probably feel the urge to go at certain times and not others and why travel, or anything else that disrupts your routine, can make it harder to go. Bedford says. This could be a sign of something like fecal impaction, which happens when hardened poop accumulates and gets stuck in your intestines, and which a medical provider may need to remove manually.
Constipation can cause pain because the poop builds up in your colon and stretches it, Dr. Lee says. They may be able to recommend something like a laxative that makes it easier to go.
If you strain to go and notice some blood on your TP, it could be due to a small tear in your anus, known as an anal fissure, or hemorrhoids, which are inflamed veins in or around your anus.